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Organization Profile

Air Mobility Command Museum


The primary mission of the Air Mobility Command (AMC) Museum is to collect, preserve and exhibit the artifacts and human stories significant to the development and employment of military airlift and air refueling in the USAF and the USAAF. The second closely aligned mission is to portray the rich history of Dover Air Force Base and its predecessor Dover Army Airfield. We must make this history available and attractive to civilians and military personnel to educate an increasingly complex society on the role of our total force, our veterans, our operations and our equipment in order for it to be understood and appreciated for its value to our nation. Execution This is accomplished through the use of educational exhibits, community outreach, representative vintage aircraft, personal interaction, and multimedia presentations. The museum time line begins when airlift aircraft began to be considered as serious military assets and continues on through today’s contemporary airlifters and tankers that write new chapters in aviation and military history almost daily.

Families, Military/Veterans, Visitors & Travelers
Dover, DE, 19902