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Organization Profile

Lewes Historical Society


We?re looking for regular volunteers for the Lewes After School Program?s 2006-07 school year, asking them to give 2-3 hours per week(or more) to help a few Shields Elementary School children have a better chance of success in life. Some have difficulty with homework. Some are grade levels behind in reading. Some are just beginning to learn how to speak, write, or understand English. Some are home alone and need a safe environment after school. Some need to develop concepts of responsibility and respect. The needs are many and our volunteers are there, making a difference with tutoring, computer help, character development, recreation, and just being a friend. LASP is a joint venture of the Lewes Presbyterian Church and the Lewes Police Department, funded by the U.S. Department of Justice through the Delaware Criminal Justice Council. It?s a prevention program, designed to help children stay in school, stay out of trouble, and avoid the pitfalls of drugs, gangs, and the juvenile justice system. It?s not easy to be a kid today! And it takes many caring adults to lead a child toward success in school and life. Won?t you be part of that team? Call Jeanne Comeau at 644-3743 or Teresa Lockerman at 228-3586 for more information and registration.

Lewes, DE, 19958

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