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Organization Profile

Delaware College of Art and Design


Delaware College of Art and Design (DCAD), founded through a creative partnership between Pratt Institute and the Corcoran College of Art and Design, joins these distinguished institutions in charting the future of art and design. DCADys mission is to educate talented and committed students to become art makers, idea generators, problem solvers, and visual communicators who can redefine the way we perceive and experience the world around us. It also serves as a visible stakeholder, cultural anchor, and catalyst for the revitalization of downtown Wilmington. To accomplish this mission, DCAD: Offers comprehensive and demanding associate of fine arts degree programs that emphasize structured, visually-based, hands on studio experiences and a rigorous academic curriculum, enabling students to continue their undergraduate education through transfer to four-year professional colleges of art and design while providing a basic foundation for successful and satisfying careers; Engages a faculty of accomplished professionals who are committed to serve as teachers, role models and mentors, as well as a qualified staff who understand, appreciate, and respond to the active and creative culture of DCAD; Nurtures a vibrant, student-centered, college community, served by state-of-the-art learning, working, and living environments that inspire personal expression and effective collaboration; Participates in Wilmingtonys educational and cultural life through a variety of community-based programs and activities; and, Manages its human, financial, and physical resources effectively and efficiently to advance DCADys programs and services.

Arts & Culture, Civic & Community, Hunger & Homelessness, Schools, Other
Wilmington, DE, 19801

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