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Organization Profile
Riverwalk Farmers Market by Downtown Milford, Inc.
Downtown Milford Inc. is a non-profit organization which promotes quality development of the traditional central business district of Milford, Delaware. In 2008, DMI was recognized as Delaware’s eighth Main Street program and received national Main Street accreditation in 2009 by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Members of DMI are merchants and residents of the downtown area and anyone else who would like to contribute to the improvement of this vital part of Milford. DMI’s board of directors and committees are responsible for planning and implementing various projects for the downtown and the community as a whole. The members of DMI want to preserve this areas rich historic heritage and bring new life and purpose to it. We have focused on: Developing the areas infrastructure through projects such as the Downtown Streetscape Program and the Mispillion Riverwalk; Improving the quality of our downtown real estate through programs such as our matching grant program for structural and facade improvements; attracting and supporting businesses which can make the most productive use of the downtown real estate, for example through our revolving small business loan program; organizing and supporting community events in the downtown area such as the Riverwalk Farmers Market, Bug & Bud Festival, Holiday Stroll, and Santa’s House.