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Organization Profile
West End Neighborhood House
Mission: The mission of West End Neighborhood House, Inc. (West End) is to help individuals achieve self-sufficiency, reach and maintain their maximum potential, and live responsibly and harmoniously in a healthy community and complex world.
Agency Description: Since 1883, West End Neighborhood House (West End) has provided assistance to help customers achieve ultimate self-sufficiency through outcomes-driven programming, utilizing innovative solutions to resolve complex social challenges throughout Delaware. West End serves approx. 10,000 individuals annually and employs a comprehensive approach to meet customers’ overall needs. The agency is an approved Private Business & Trade School of the Delaware Department of Education and is licensed by the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth & Their Families to operate a center for school age children. Program services are organized under six primary areas:
Education (GED, adult education, academic and evidence-based prevention education for youth); Employment (environmental and agricultural/horticultural job training and placement, entrepreneurship training, job coaching, interview techniques, creating resumes and cover letters, nationally recognized certification in Customer Service); Financial Empowerment (financial literacy, coaching, credit establishment/repair, micro and small business lending); Housing (housing counseling, security deposit loans, affordable rental/home ownership opportunities, special needs housing; Youth Services (organized sports and recreation, prevention-related activities and supportive services for foster care and other disadvantaged youth); Community Development (park, green space and neighborhood revitalization).