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Organization Profile

NABVETS Delaware Chapter 94


Who are we? The National Association for Black Veterans is a recognized Veterans Service Organization and a U.S department of Veterans Affairs claims representative for all veterans. We are a member organization with Members and Chapters throughout the United States And Puerto Rico. The organization is working in unity with communities to end homelessness and to Empower low-income Veterans and disadvantaged youth. NABVETS History: NABVETS was initially known as “The interested Veterans of the central City (IVOCC) and established by seven (7) Vietnam Combat Veterans. In 1969, this group was incorporated in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and later reorganized in 1973 as National Association for Black Veterans, Inc. In 1989. NABVETS created the Center for Veterans Issues, Ltd. (CVI) to provide technical assistance to NABVETS for project implementation. CVI is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, administrative program development and technical assistance organization that provides service to minority, women and low-income Veterans Service Organizations. For over 40 years, NABVETS has led several campaigns to bridge the void for mainstream services to all Veterans. Our Mission: The Mission of National Association for Black Veterans, Inc. is to provide administrative assistance to all Veterans, their spouses, children, widows/widowers, orphans and all NABVETS members and families. This organization commitment is to our Veteran Community in providing housing, VA counseling, identifying Veterans needs and assisting in the preparation of administrative requirements to obtain all allowable benefits due the Veteran that are rated under the law. The National Association for Black Veterans, Inc. mission is to help with the housing needs of the Veteran that will include Transitional to Permanent Housing. NABVETS works with Federal, State, and local agencies that can provide the resources that will help with the housing needs of ending homelessness.

Civic & Community
Wilmington, DE, 19899

Common Messages