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Scholarships and Awards 2023

Community service scholarships reward you for helping others. It’s a nice way of doing well by doing good. In addition to the resources listed below, students who are involved in volunteering and community service should ask whether there are any awards available at the location where they perform their community service. It is quite common for hospitals and nursing homes, veterans groups, churches, mosques and synagogues, historical societies, fraternal organizations, and, other community service organizations to provide scholarships to recognize outstanding community service by young volunteers.

Scroll down to find opportunities for scholarships and awards with service-oriented criteria for selection.


Congratulations to Megan Chen of Newark on being named a

Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes 2020 Honoree!

This guide is for Delaware students and graduates looking for scholarships and programs to help fund their post-secondary education (college, trade school, and military). 

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